Create with us

Community is first. We can’t do with without you.

  • We would love to have you involved. Please fill out a form to get have someone contact you.

    Click here to get ahold of us.

  • We’re also calling all those who have a passion or skill in green building, artistic technique with earthen materials or particularly innovative design or systems. We’d love to hear from you and have you share your gifts, ideas or hands to help!

  • Would you like to be a part of creating something meaningful and lasting? Join us in our exciting building projects. This summer, we’re crafting a wood-fired hot tub and cob oven, erecting a traditional Mongolian yurt (ger), and more. These group builds will be weekends of learning, laughing, and labor, with delicious local food, enchanting music, and time to dance, connect and relax in the evenings.