Rediscover Ways of Living that Speak to Our Hearts


If you’re inspired to lead a life integrated with past, present and future thinking where we celebrate the trinity of wholeness as a pervasive design then consider coming for a visit! Explore the possibilities of being a part of our community. What would you love to create, experience, learn or contribute? Whether it’s camping under the stars, connecting with nature, tending to the animals, gardening, or building, creating art, music or practicing healing there’s a place for you here. If you’ve dreamed of a life connected to the land but felt daunted by the enormity of the task, we invite you to come and see if our co-housing community in Northern California could be the right fit for you. If not, you’ll have had a great vacation and perhaps made some new friends.

Stay with us

Experience life as it should be—immersed in nature, rich with purpose, and filled with connection. We look forward to welcoming you to our piece of paradise.

Contact us for various options to stay, activities in the area, what to bring, and what you’re up for.

| Yurts + Camping

| Short-term stays

| Long-term stays

“When we illuminate the road back to our ancestors, they have a way of reaching out, of manifesting themselves, of illuminating the path forward.”